What is Candida?

Commonly Asked Quest ions about Candida

How does yeast overgrowth affect your health ?

Yeasts occur naturally on or in the skin, ears and nails and they flourish in moist, mucous areas such as the mouth, intestines or rectum.

We all have microorganisms or “friendly bacteria” called lacobacilli in our intestines that live along with the yeast.

They co – exist in harmony unless the natural balance is upset by eating too much of certain foods or by taking drugs such as antibiotics, hormones, and steroids.

These drugs destroy the friendly bacteria allowing the yeasts ( Candida albicans ) to multiply.

Toxins, excreted by an overgrowth of yeast, travel through the blood stream to many sites on the body.

These toxins cause a variety of respiratory, digestive, and emotional symptoms & weaken the immune system.

Many people also develop adverse reactions to a wide variety of foods, chemicals and scents.

How do I know have Candida ?

Chances are that if you experience many of the symptoms listed in this pamphlet ( see below ), you have a level of yeast overgrowth. There are several diagnostic tests available called the Candida antigen titer test and the yeast P/N allergy test. However, both these tests are costly and not always conclusive. In my opinion, the best diagnosis is the combination of a symptoms analysis in conjunction with a non-invasive saliva test, especially where children are concerned. The diagnosis is confirmed by a positive response to treatment.

Why do people sometimes feel worse before they feel better ?

As the yeast in your body is killed by the antifungal preparations, they may temporarily release more toxins into the bloodstream, causing you to feel worse. Common symptoms of this “die – off” reaction include fatigue, headaches, flu-like aches and pains, itching, diarrhea – basically any of the symptoms that the yeast overgrowth itself may cause. You may or may not experience any of these symptoms. If you do, they usually only last a couple of days. Taking 500 mgs of Vitamin C along with the antifungal preparation often minimizes the effects of “die – off” reaction. Be sure to drink lots of purified water during this period to help flush out the toxins out of your body.

Do I really have to follow this diet so strictly ?

No, you can do whatever you want. However, my attitude towards yeast overgrowth is that it is an annoying and debilitating syndrome and best dealt with quickly and completely. If you do it right for the initial two to three month period, you won’t be battling this condition for the rest of your life. I have worked with too many individuals who have cheated on the diet of tried to make it easier and they are still dealing with the same problems today. Just decide that you can overcome this problem, make a firm commitment to follow the program and you’ll feel dramatically better in a couple of months. The less you adhere to the diet, the longer it will take for your health to improve.

sourced affectionately from a brochure by Gemma Gorham 1997, a document I have used to assist those who feel they may have Candida.

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