The Burger Comment Policy

I let burger comments speak for themselves.

I post each and every one.

I do not respond to burger comments.

3 Responses to The Burger Comment Policy

  1. Dieter Wurster says:

    The stoty about a 14 year old burger fascinates me. I have tried some years ago to conserve food in order to observe changes. I put the samples in baby food bottles, of which I had more then thirty. Noodles, rice etc. kept quite weel; eggs and other fresh stuff started smelling soon Than I stopped. There are some artists like Dieter Roth who put a table full of eaten-up plates and glasses as pieces of art on the wall. I’m observing the development. We have here in Stuttgart, Germany, in the “Kunstmuseum” an exhibition called “Eat Art”. Quite interesting.
    Keep me up to date about your future discoveries.

  2. adamd says:

    Reading all of those previous comments, I’m amazed at how all of a sudden everyone becomes an expert on nutrition and obesity, AND then go on to defend McDonalds? I think one of the main reasons we have an obesity problem in this country is because we have very little understanding about the differences between ‘nutrition’ and ‘calories’ (one comment equated calories to nutrition.. facepalm). Karen this is why we need more people like you and these types of posts, & let the burger that won’t grow mold and decay speak for itself! I think ANYTHING that doesn’t grow mold or decay can’t have much nutritional value if even BACTERIA and mold spores won’t eat it!

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